Trascription Jobs - Transcribe -Work From Home, Part Time Jobs

Hello Everyone,

Welcome to my new blog of Transcription jobs. We all have learned typing somehow, either school, college or at work. And we have been typing emails, word documents or projects and we are well aware to check our typing speed and usage of keyboards and also spell check. We have also learnt business English by improving our typing skills in our system and also in our phones.

So, we all have an inbuilt skill in our self, Typing.


An decade ago, if anyone refers to typing, it would be an stereo way of typewriter or using computer for data entry. We had to visit an shop or an centre, wait for an person to do it for us. It was such a pain process.

Now, the situations and technology has changed and we our self can type the way and contents we want, no more waiting for others to our job. However, the requirement is more, in form of huge data to be typed or translated or to say many people record certain message or dictations and outsource the work of getting those talks/discussions recorded in typed format, to be saved in MS word or other document format.


Transcription has been the word buzz to many from past many years. However, most of us referred Transcription to just medical. In recent times the transcription format is changed from medical to corporate.

Many of the corporate management or senior members of an firm, pass on their message or information or certain process of explanation in voice recording and would want it to be documented in typed word format. Hence, there are many such firms offering such small time work, to have their voice recording, typed into word document format. In this process, many legit sites offer such transcribe jobs for us, where we have to type the audio into word format and produce it to them. Once the client reviews and accepts our work, we get paid.


So, why not use our inbuilt skill of typing and earn some cash.


What skills, tools and techniques do we need to have, to work as a Transcriber?

·         Good communication skills

·         Fluency in written English

·         Good spoken English

·         Excellent comprehension of American, Australian and British accents

·         Avg to good typing skills

·         PayPal account

·         System and access to the Internet

·         Headphone/headset

·         Little bit of concentration, will power to learn and do the transcribe work


Transcribe work is not an rocket science, that it cant be mastered. Its very simple, there are many free sites and channels in Internet, which teaches us the basic of Transcribe. There also sites which offers jobs to beginners, who want to try Transcribe jobs. We just need to have little assertiveness in listening the audio clips and start typing. And off course our saviour Google is always there, if we don't get an word, we can try to search certain word we don't get and fix it. There are many tools available in Internet, which performs the audio to text work, we can always use such tools and make our work easier. Yes, off course we may need to do certain cosmetic changes, once the tool converts audio to text work. We cant rely everything on tool, we are humans and we need to use our brains as well :)


What are the tasks involve in Transcribe ?

·         Listen to audio files from clients and transcribe them into text

·         Review the audio transcript for accuracy

·         Verify that the transcript matches the audio file

·         Check the transcript for any spelling, punctuation and grammatical mistakes


It takes 1 hour to transcribe a 10-minute audio file. But, it will vary depending on your comprehension of different accents, typing speed, the quality of the audio file, etc. You will not get paid for the actual time spent working on the file. The payment for a 10 minute file. You get 3 to 4 hours turnaround time (TAT) to complete each file. If you are a fast and accurate typist and have excellent comprehension ability, you may be able to complete it faster. The best thing about these freelance Transcribe job is that, we are not bonded by our officials to finish the task on time and we are questioned and yelled, if we miss the TAT. The work rules are always flexible in such sites to have the job done. Since its WFH and part time job, the timeline to complete the transcribe job is flexible. So, any one could just do their regular chores and also work on such transcribe job. If we have more time in our daily routine, we could take up more files, after completing the one we took up first. So by this, we could start earning more.


Top Transcribe companies

Most of the transcription companies will require that you do a sample transcription test and if you pass the test, you will be hired or will receive a job offer by the relevant company. You need not  have professional transcription experience to be able to receive job offers from some companies. General transcription jobs may not require any transcription work experience, so its suitable for all who look for that extra cash, through Work from home.   Extra is always good, right :)

Some of the top companies, offering such Transcribe jobs are -

·         Go Transcript,

·         TranscribeMe

·         CastingWords


·         Verbal Ink

·         Transcription Hub

·         ScribeCare

·         BabbleType

·         Accu Tran Global

·         Scribie

·         Speakwrite


Need Transcription Training?

Check out " Transcribe Anywhere" site. Search the site on google. its an FREE transcription mini-course. This course is designed to help beginners to learn precisely what transcription is and how to be successful Transcriber, working from anywhere. I too was new for transcription just like you, and this course is one of the few I highly recommend  – and best of all, it's FREE! Sign up for the course and start learning today! Good Luck.

These are very legit sites and offer transcribe job. We cant depend on these jobs as our permanent source of income. However, we can always have it as our ways to earn extra income. Making this statement , I would also say that I personally know many, who have made such transcribe job as there permanent jobs and they earn well, doing it. It just takes little bit of hard work initially to learn and try. And later, its an cake walk. You can also check YouTube for live demo of transcribe work.

Just relax, sip your coffee and transcribe !

In my next blog, I shall review couple of transcribe sites and lets explore together.





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