- How to make "Gigs" in, to attract clients for "Work From Home" Jobs

Hello Everyone,

How to make Gigs in

As I explained to your in my earlier blog post, that Gigs are not nothing but an self advertisement of your skills and what all you can offer to the clients.

So these gigs are posted in, to attract good clients for the skills and service you render.
Its an picture or video representation of your skill and service.

In this blog, I shall explain to you simple steps to make Gigs and post in, to get jobs.

Create a Gig On Fiverr -Guide (With Screen Shots)

Step 1: In your homepage, click on Selling and then click on Gigs option, as I have showed it in below image

In this section of your account displays a list of all your gigs.

Each skill or service you can render, you can create an Gig to post, to attract the clients.

Step 2: Click on the option – “create new gig”, as mentioned in the below image

First time users, Click on ‘create a new gig’, found at the top-right corner.

Step 3: Create a Gig title, select category and meta tags, mentioned in the below image

What to write in Gig title: Your gig title is a short description of the service you want to render on Fiverr. It must be equal to or less than 80 characters.

Example – I will do Quality Proof reading of the document you provide


I will do quality and quick data entry work for you, with no mistakes and with quick timeliness.


I would do amazing brochure design to you in quick time, with world class touch of innovative idea and design.


I would do hiring/sourcing work for you, with quality candidates of your specified domain, with my quick references and using pool of data, I have….etc


I would do amazing training for your needs, in specified domains or soft skills, as I am certified trainer with experience…etc


Folks, you could create an Gig tags like this, for various services and skills you can offer.

You can create one Gig for each of your service and skills, to attract more clients and jobs.

Below Images from my Gigs as example –

Next column - Categories: Fiverr has a wide range of categories to choose from: Human Resource, Recruitment, Sourcing, Training, Data Entry, Graphics & design, Digital Marketing, Writing & Translation, Video & Animation, Music & Audio, Programming & Tech, Business And, Fun & Lifestyle.

( there are jobs to watch any youtube channel and get paid)

Next - Make sure you select the appropriate category, because it cannot be modified after gig creation.

After choosing your category, you have the option to choose a sub-category that’s most specific to your service.

Next Step - Search tag: Fiver allows you to choose up to 5 search tags. If you want your gig to get more visibility in Fiverr search results,

Examples of Tags – Hiring, Recruitment, Sourcing, Training, Designing  etc etc etc

Input such Keyword and the Tags would appear and you can select them and add others tags by comma sign.


Next Step 4: Set your gig pricing

Click on the Option Pricing from the tool bar, as shown in the below image –

ü  In the above section, enter the service you would provide like Data Entry, Recruitment, Training etc etc…

ü  Next column, you could enter the Quantity of the service – like 50 documents Data Entry or 50 people training, or 50 people line up for hiring etc etc

ü  Next column, how many days you can finish it

ü  Next column, how many times you can re-do it, if the client ask you to re-do it.

ü  So, there are 3 different kind of packages and you have to enter all the 3


Next quotation/price for your service for the above mentioned package.

Your gig pricing has a base price of $5 and can be set to as high as $300.


Step 4: Write a gig description

After your gig title, your gig description is the next most important thing about your gig.

Many new sellers on Fiverr create their gig description hastily. That shouldn’t be the case with you; Be calm and put a lot of details into your gig description; and avoid grammatical and spelling errors.

Browse through other gigs of users in or top sellers in your category, learn from their gig description. However, you must ensure never to copy their gig descriptions word-for-word. If you do that, Fiverr may demote your gig ranking and deprive your gig of search visibility.

Example Screen shot above – Since Fiverr limits your gig description to only 1200 characters.

Next Step 5: Enter Requirements

Before you get started with any work, you need to properly understand what that work is all about.

Your requirement can be: What kind of data or information you require to start your particular job. Example- Free Text, Multiple Answer, or Attached File, JD, Training Materials or Info of Audience…etc

 Ensure you tell your buyers to communicate, in details, everything you need to get started. So as to avoid future disputes.

Next Step 6: Add photos or a video to your gig

Fiverr provides you with the option to add up to 3 categories of gig galleries. You can either add an image, video or PDF file, if it applies to your services.

If you require, I shall provide you list of websites, you can create free images from net.

So, just try to find any image in net and add it here, to showcase what you specialize in.

Example – Trainer/Training, Recruitment, Recruiter, Hiring , Data Entry, Digital Marketing etc …such images are found in Google.

Using snip tool or any cutting tool, save that image in your system and upload it here and give a good title.

Make sure you use a high quality media file that describes your gig.


Final step 7: Publish your gig

This is the final step to get your gig live on Fiverr.  Click on the publish gig button, your gig becomes live and visible to buyers who visit, in search of freelance workers in your category.

That’s It Folks…everything about creating a gig on Fiverr. Its simple like hard work required, just an one-time activity. So, you can create multiple Gigs for each service or skills you are ready to offer / work.

It is something new and creative, it makes our brain work 😊,If you enjoyed this guide, do well to share with your friends who are interested in creating a gig on Fiverr. Reply to me for any clarifications Cheers Robin


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