Translating Jobs - Work From Home, Work From Mobile

Hello Everyone,


Are you good at multi language? Have you tried translating different languages?

If your answer is Yes. Then lets explore an amazing site, which pays us for translating jobs.

Translating different languages into English or Vise Versa.


Please Note - Do let me know, if you need an simple online tool, which can translate end number of documents into any language, quickly. I know an secret tool, which does that.


By using such tools and techniques, you can translate any documents, into any languages and just a little bit of cosmetic corrections, you need to perform. That’s it, your translation job is completed and you can send it to clients and earn your income.


An question may arise that, how come the clients who gives us such jobs does not use such tools and techniques to translate their job.

The answer, these clients are mostly start ups and they would not have much of man power and time, do perform such tasks.


What kind of documents needs to be translated? It could be legal agreements to SOP's of an process or simple MOU.


Exicited? same here, lets explore !


The site I am referring is " Onehourtranslation"


It is a US based company providing translation service, world wide. Its an legit site, with good reviews and recommendations. I have checked properly with many resources and all have given good feed back. This company was started in 2008 and it was recognized successfully as crowd-source human translation services. This company is currently providing translation services for 75 languages and 2500 language pairs. There are two types of accounts supported on their website, Customer and Translator accounts. Customers upload their documents that they need to get translated and translators translate those documents for them. The company currently has over 15,000 translators working for them. Hence we who take up their work are called "translators".



How to work

Here we are just to make little extra money doing translation jobs, We only want to know how to start working as a translator for them and how to earn cash for doing those freelance translation tasks. The good news is, working as a Translator is very easy and you will be comfortable in doing the jobs once you start getting to know how the system works. Remember to follow the strict guidelines and you are fluent in different languages. You have to be expert at at least two languages to be able to qualify as a Translator.

Steps to sign up -

1.) Login to site 

2.) Click on the button " login"

3.) Create your account - Enter your name, email Id , password and select option "Translator"

4.) Enter your native language, enter your known language ( english)

5.) Enter the languages which your know, source lang ( English) which language you can  translate ( hindi, french etc)

6.) Add many other languages you are confident and known to ( input such languages) by adding different languages.

7.) You can also click on transcription audio files, you can select the next option with the languages you are fluent.

8.) Upload your resume as next step. Just resume is enough.

9.) Save and continue

10.) Upload an pic of yours and write an brief bio of your skills.

11.) You get an page  " Thank you for your registration"

Next click on the tab My Account


Here you see the translator status is "Pending". The internal team would be reviewing our application and grant us permission within one hour. That’s why its called as one hour translation.

You would get your status active.


Payment Method -

Click on "My Balance" and this is the page, where all your payments gets paid. The payment method is PayPal. Once you have completed an work, your payment would reflect in this column and the payment option also. I have explained the process to create an PayPal account in my previous blogs - Ref -

The payment varies from 1$ to 30$, by doing various translating jobs.

Important points -

ü  You will receive emails about latest jobs that become available on the website.

ü  You can read the whole description and the specific instructions posted by the customer before accepting the job. After reading the instructions you can accept the job.

ü  Once you complete the job you will upload the necessary translated files or documents on the portal and submit your work.

ü  The client will approve or reject your work and will give feedback on your performance.

ü  So the whole process of accepting a job ad delivering it is quite simple provided that you have carefully read and followed all the instructions.

ü  Your work quality will decide the number of jobs that you will be getting in the future.

Folks, we all know more than 2 languages, then why not try this site to do such micro tasks. Its an great site, to use your skills and earn money. It is a golden opportunity for those who are looking for part-time work to earn some extra income while translating text and documents. If you’re really good at the multiple languages then these jobs are piece of cake for you. Perhaps its one of the easiest and quickest ways to work freelance and get paid online.

Note - Please do response, if you need to know tips and trick to translation and mainly you can download this app on your mobile phone and start to work.





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