Rapidworkers - Work From Home, Part Time Jobs, Small Tasks

Hello Everyone,

Today we shall see an part time job site, which pays us for viewing any YouTube channel or logging to any specific website, being in that website for an minute.

As you all know, there are end numerous websites and YouTube channels in Net. And the owners of that particular website and YouTube channel, wants viewer's, they want some traffic in their websites and youtube channel, to earn some money from Google. And also to show case to others, that so many viewers visited their site.

Example – An website called mindmind.cam, its newly created certain new features or added new services in their website and they want to market/promotion of their website to others. Lets says, big companies like Accenture , IBM would want to see what is Mindmind companies offerings new service. And also they would see how many people visited their new site.

So to increase such viewers in their site, such companies would promote their website to others for viewing it, liking it, sharing it. And in same process, they would pay normal people for visiting their website, just for promotion purpose and also increase the viewers count in their website.

In this process, they would use such paid service. Same way certain YouTubers do. They invite paid viewers to their channel and then increase their subscribers and viewership time in their channel. Later,   You Tube would pay such channels in a higher range.


This is the quick summary of this new site, I am going to share with you today.

All you need to do is to login, create an account, start picking up such micro tasks, send them screen shots of you visiting websites and YouTube channels and they pay you. It does not take much of time nor pays you too much of amount, but some small micro tasks, which helps us to get little money, is always good.

We can take up an task, to watch an YouTube channel, play that video, go do our regular work or watch tv or any work in kitchen, once the video completes, take the screen shot and upload it in that site and get paid. When we watch so many YouTube videos sent from others, why can we try these methods and earn little amount as well.


Lets get in and dig out..

The site I am referring to you today is, www.rapidworkers.com

I have checked the genuineness of this site and researched with people and they have given good reviews. Hence no harm in trying. It takes no registration fees and workers can earn money very easily from here by performing small & easy task.


Login and registration process, explained step by step


Step 1 At first click on the following Rapidworkers website

Step 2 . Now click Sign Up for free.

Step 3 You will see a registration form like bellow. Now fill up the registration form as follows.

Step 4 Enter your credentials with information, requested in the website – Create Account.

Step 5  An verification email would be sent to your email Id, which you have entered. Check that email and click that link and activate your account.

Step 6 Once your account is verified, click on “ Available Jobs” option

Step 7 In available jobs, as of you now you see, no jobs done by your as of now. Here it’s the place you can find works and start doing it.

Step 8 Click on the tab Withdraw $ - in this tab we find certain information. Mainly the payment method is PayPal gateway. I have already explained in my earlier blog, how to create an PayPal account, simple & easy. Please refer the same.

Step 9 – So when you start getting payments deposited to your account in Rapidworkers site, you can request for withdraw, then you can use the option, under the “Withdraw$” tab, * You will need to fill the account page here before asking for a payment *

Screen shot below for reference



Step 10 – Next go to “Available Jobs” column , click on “ Latest Jobs” in that option

Now you see many jobs listed, you would get many jobs listed.

Example – Enter an search word “ YouTube” – the site would pull up works relating to YouTube.

You can see the description of the job, it would say “ login to this particular YouTube channel, click subscribe, like and share” – very simple jobs

Example – Enter an search “ reviews” or “ write reviews” or Data Entry or Facebook or “ Vote survey”.

So you would get jobs pertaining these social media sites, and they would have mentioned what exactly you have to do in that task.

May be, it could be of just logging into their face book account and click like their products or login to any sites or YouTube channels and write good reviews.

It also gives you an payment rate, you can choose what price of tasks you want to work and get paid.

Once you finish task, you can click on “ task finished” in home page. You would see all the tasks completed. And get to know the status of your work. Once your task is approved, the payment is transferred to your account in rapid workers.com and then you can transfer the same to PayPal account.

Please do contact me for any doubts and clarification, I would be glad to assist you further.



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