- Part Time Work, Quarantine Work, Freelance Work, Work From Home

Hello Everyone,

Today I would share you another great place to get many Freelance work, Part Time Work, WFH.
The site is called

In this site many of the national and international clients posts their work to be completed by any individual and they pay them for that work.
How it works ? So, many companies and start ups, instead of hiring full time emp's, they post their requirements in such freelance work sites and there are people with specific skill sets to the job.

So acts as an liaison between the companies, providing work and people like us, who are looking to do some WFH or Part Time Work. 
The companies who are giving work, pays certain amount for posting their advertisement for work and also pays the workers like us, who complete their work.
So its comparatively less budget, than hiring an full time employee. 

We need to find work in, complete the work to the companies and earn money.
I have tried and tested and its genuine. And many Indians have worked and have good review.

The best feature about is that, it cares for us, workers who do work for the companies.
It has feature that, Half of the payment the client has to transfer to us ( workers like us). And once the work is completed, rest of the amount is paid to us.

Example - an company called MindMind wants some of them to do an Data Entry for certain files.
So the company MindMind company has an quota for 100 $ for completing that job.
MindMap company pays full 100$ start itself. And when we take up work , we get paid 50$ as advance and after the work is done, another 50$ is paid.
Incase the company MindMind try's to cheat also, has the money from MindMind.
Then, pays us the remaining 50$ also. 
So there would be no instance of getting cheated. And any queries and concerns, has an very good customer service, they assist us 24/7.

What kind of work in --
Data Entry
Excel computing
Logo Making
Design Brochures
Transcribe certain English audio into MS Word
Writing Reviews 
Watching others you tube channels
and many more...

Folks, I am able to create brochures, logo making, Transcribe/translate English audio to word
I am able to do very easily, with certain online tools, just little creativity needed.

Ask me how ??  
I shall let you know, how you can earn very very good amount in designing Brochures, Flyers, Banners , Data Entry etc, using simple tools.

Even data entry, there are tools, which can be used to complete our work fast and accurate.
Ask me how ??

 Folks, its interesting to learn new things and working, end of the day, you are skilled with new tools and techniques. So for that sake we have to try and there is no investment.

  1. Sell your skills and get work in
  2. The payment varies any where from 5$ and goes to 300$, based on work.
  3. The payment method is through PayPal account

( I have already posted an previous blog, how to create simple and easy PayPal Account)
( ref -

Creating Fiverr account and register as freelancer - Below steps

Login to 

Creating an Account

You will need to create an account to sell your skill/freelance work on Fiverr.

To create an account:

  1. From the Fiverr homepage, click Become a Seller.
  2. Enter your email address and click Continue.
  3. Choose a username
  4.  Your username can be up to 15 characters max. and cannot contain special characters.
  5. Choose a password and click Join.
    You are now a registered user on Fiverr. An email will be sent for you to activate your account.
  6. Check you Mail and click the link to activate your Fiverr account.

 Your profile is how you present yourself to the community. You are encouraged to present yourself in a professional manner.

If you are selling for the first time, go to

Next step is to set up your profile - so that the clients could see your profile and offer work.

Below steps - 

To fill out your seller profile:

 Step 1: Personal Info

 1.    Fill out your full name. (Note: This information will remain private).

2.    In the Profile Picture section, add an image of yourself.

3.    In the Description section, introduce yourself to the Fiverr community                                 

( Write an brief about yourself and skills).

4.    In the Languages section, select the languages you speak and your level of fluency.

5.    Click Continue.


Step 2: Professional Info


  1. In the Your Occupation field, select your expertise.
  2. In the Skills section, let your buyers know your skills. These may be skills gained through your previous jobs, hobbies, or even everyday life. You also have the option to suggest skills.
  3. In the Education section, select when and where you attended college. You also have the option to suggest your diploma if it’s not listed.
  4. In the Certification section, listing your honors and awards can help you stand out from other sellers. You also have the option to suggest certifications. ( Optional )
  5. In the Personal Website field, enter your URL ( Linked In account or FB account link )
  6. Click Continue.


Step 3: Linked Accounts ( Optional ) You could leave it blank

1.    In the Linked Accounts section, link your social and professional networking accounts to your Fiverr account. You may select more than one.

Note: Your personal information will not be displayed to the buyer.

2.    Click Continue.


Step 4: Account Security

1.    In the Email field, click Verify Now and continue with the process.

2.    In the Phone Number field, click Verify Now and continue with the process.

3.    When finished, click Continue

 Create Your First Gig.
 Gig definition is - a job usually for a specified time - Freelance

Gig means an visual advertisement of your skills, to be updated in Fiverr, so the clients notice your profile and gives you work. 

In my next blog, I shall explain, how to create Gigs ( Visual advertisement) 

That's it folks. Its easy and simple to it. Once the account is created, go to the main page of and put in search of the jobs your are looking for and you would get many jobs options, check the job, the amount they are paying, timeline and click select.

Once you start getting jobs, Accept it and complete it on time and submit.

The client would post an review of your good job and you would get more jobs to do.

As you accept an job, you would get half of money as advance.

Payment transfer is done through PayPal account and from PayPal account, you can transfer the amount to your saving account.

The procedure of creating PayPal account is mentioned in my earlier blog

Reference link  -- 

Note - Video of setting up an profile in

I would encourage you all to try it, its interesting to learn and try new things, there is no lose. And once you get clicked and get jobs, it would be an continuous offers.




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