Red Bubble - Make Money Online with Print on Demand

Hello Everyone,

Welcome to my new blog, which would give you insight of earning additional / part time income, working from home.

We all have an designer skill within us, we keep scribbling or drawing some kind of design. Least we knew that such designs would have a good market value, when it gets imprinted on T-shirts, mugs , cushion covers etc. In today's blog, we shall explore an site, by which we can open our own online designing store. All we need to do is, have an creative design and Imprint it on a virtual T-shirt , mugs etc and the same design when it gets sold to customers, we start to get our own commission for each of the T-shirt , Mugs, Cushion covers or Bed Spreads, people buying it.

So, there is an exciting site, which gives us that Oppurtunity to earn such extra income, using our skills of designing.

Lets explore !

The site is called Red

Make Money Online with Print on Demand for Clothing & Accessories

What is Red

Redbubble is an Australian based global online POD (Print on Demand) marketplace that sells the user-submitted design products. It is one of these amazing print on demand fulfillment services that provides high-quality printing services and a great variety of products to choose from.

The service is quite great when it comes to basic print on demand and newbies. If you are starting out in the print on demand industry then it’s often a good idea to use a service like Redbubble which offers you both the backend and frontend of the POD business. So, let’s dive into the Red bubble review and see how this amazing print on demand service holds up against other platforms in the market.

How Redbubble Works

It an site, which works similar to other print on demand platforms. However, it’s a print on demand platform of its own. We can upload your designs and logos on the Redbubble website and sell it directly from their platform. You would be one of the thousands of other artists selling their work on Redbubble. When it comes to working, Redbubble works quite simply. You just sign up for an account, upload your custom designs and logos, put them on your desired products including clothing, and promote the products. Here’s how to sign up for an account on Redbubble.

If we are not quite sure of the designing tools and techniques, I shall assist you in exploring an online tool, for making your logo's and designs.

Redbubble only charges for the base price of the item and anything extra that you charge goes directly to your wallet. For example, if an item costs $5 (base price) and you sell it for $15 then you make $10 in profits.


Redbubble Products

The site offers a great variety of products and they also ensure the highest standard of quality when it comes to their products. The printing quality is also much better than many of their competitors. There is a varity of products to choose from. Each category offers hundreds of products and multiple variants. Example -

  • Men’s    
  • Women’s
  • Kids & Babies
  • Device Cases
  • Stickers
  • Wall Art
  • Home Decor
  • Stationery
  • Bags
  • Gifts

You can choose as many categories and as many products as you want. Your designs will be printed on each product, however, it’s better to choose different size of images for your designs for different sized products. A design that looks good on a t-shirt may not be as good looking on wall art. So, always keep that in mind when choosing and uploading your designs.

Sign Up Process -

1.) Enter your email Id, User name and password

2.) Clear the captcha given to verify

3.) check your email for verificaition email and activate your account

4.) Now, check on the top right corner and create your profile, with your profile pic.

5.) Choose an sample cover image, with sample of your designs or logo ( Let your design be as unique as you)

6.) Next, enter your Name and a short brief introduction of yourself ( here write an brief about your intro and your skills).

7.) Click Save

8.) Under artist tool, enter payment details

9.) Enter your residence address

10.) Enter your payment type, convert your earnings from australian dollar to Indian currency, through paypal account

11.) Verify your paypal account

12.) Under the option, my dashboard, click on option - "Sell your art"

13.) Next, click on "create products designs" and create your designs on the virtual T-shirt and post it.

14.) The team would get in touch with your, as soon as your designs start getting enquiries for order.

Here, you need to use your innovations and creativity to imprint your designs or logos.

Redbubble provides a very simple and straightforward platform that makes it for even newbies to find their way around the platform. It could still use some more user friendliness when it comes to uploading designs and deselecting products since that takes some getting used to, but still it’s quite friendly towards the non-tech savvy by using self-explanatory buttons and features.

 Folks, here is an wonderful opportunity, to explore and experiment our creativity and monetize it. There are online free tools, which makes our job easier, in creating our designs and logos. In my next blog, I shall explain, which are these online tools and technique, by which we can create our own designs and logo's.

There is no harm in trying new adventure and exploring new oppurtunties, to earn extra income, as there is no investement needed, just our hard work and creativity.

Do respond to me, if you need further assistance or doubts in working on this site.





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