Work From Mobile - Quarantine Jobs - Part Time Jobs & Income

Hello Everyone ! 

Thanks for visiting my blog to explore genuine work sites for additional income to your account.

Do you know, there are many genuine Apps, which was gives out money for using their service?

Do you know, there are Apps which gives money for taking photos and selfies and uploading them in their App ?

Yes its true !
In this blog, I shall let you know an App, which pays people for taking day to day photo's, selfies.
You must be thinking, what kind of photos? would it need hifi camera etc...
The answer, just your Android phones !

Yes, you heard it right. With just your Android phones you can earn, with photo's and selfies.
What kind of photo's , what kind of selfies
Answer - Photo's of day to day life, like birds, fruits, vegetables etc
And selfies ? Just our face, hair, emotions like, yawning, sleep, laugh, cry, anger etc
Sometimes, any road side photos like, dust bin, roads, zebra crossing lines, electric pole etc

Yes, Yes, Yes, you heard it right. Trust me, I am doing it and enjoying it.

So the question would arise, why would they need such selfies and photo's, would it be mis-used.
Answer - No, nothing would be mis-used, as there are proper disclaimer and security.
Then why would they need such photo's and pics?
Answer - AI and Robotics.

Yes folks, the future of our human race, AI and Robotics, they are preparing from now itself.

Just to give you like info about it.
So, all these pics and photos of human emotions, birds, fruits, things, road signs etc ..all would be feed into AI and Robotics.
What is AI - Artificial Intelligence
Robotics - Robotics Automation

So, what it does?
When they feed such pictures and photos to such AI & Robotics tools and program it, the tools would automatically capture and identify such photos and pics's and use it while performing an function.
Example - lets say some anger emotion photo is feed and programmed to an AI / Robotics tool. And in future, some body is working on something and getting irritated, the tool would automatically capture through web cam and tell " hey boss you are angry, i could read your emotion".
Same way, somebody is using the tool while travelling, it would automatically pick up birds and fruits and give the out put results " hey an crow is approaching you" , " hey, you could eat this fruit called Mango and have good health"... basically it would start identifying anything and everything in our day to day life and give us the output, be it health advice or information or warning.

Another example - it would tell us "hey, there is an zebra crossing ahead of that road, so ride slow".
Driver-less cars.

So, something similar to this above mentioned examples, the AI/Robotics would be useful to humans in future. Well, if we think and tell " would it not make us lazy" , " would it not dominate us/our brain".
Well, that's another debate, we could do always later.
Since that's in future, lets think and work on current situation.

The work involving in such app, are just basic and we are not losing anything, just pics and photo's. After all, we take our selfies and share in various social media domains and what not.
Then why not get some gains monetary doing the same :)

The App is called Micro Work App, could be downloaded for free from Google play store.

How to proceed - steps 

1.) Download this app from above link
2.) Open the app from your mobile
3.) Go to the profile column and update your profile
4.) Input your name, email id, phone number and verify
     ( create an user Id and password for that app)
5.) You would get an OTP code or an email verification.
6.) Enter the OTP or an email verification, sent to the email Id you have entered
7.) Once its verified, login in again to the app using the email Id and password you entered earlier.
8.) click on home 
9.) Click on "Assigned tasks"
10.) Under this you would find various kinds of tasks and payment rate mentioned in it.
( the payment are mentioned in Dollars, which would be paid to you in your own individual country currency, like rupees etc )

Note -
1.) The payment amount is not big, but its good amount, which pays you for simple photos and pics.
Something is better than nothing.

2.) Follow the instructions of taking the photo's, various angels, description.

Example - an task for taking photos for birds ( crow, pigeon etc or fruits etc)
each photo would be paid 1$, so you take up 10 different tasks, take photo's and submit. Over all you would get paid 10$. So calculate that overall dollar amount in your country currency, that's your total earning.

Do reply and contact me, I shall guide you more.

Main point - Payment mode -

  1. Once you submit the photo's, it would give you an message, how many business days they would approve your photo's and payment ready.
  2. It takes 3 to 5 business days for the approval and payment ready - Generally.
  3. It can differ also, less or more business days, depends on the photo.
  4. The team would apply your photo's to AI/Robotics and if its gets accepted, you would get an message on your dash board.

The dash board of your earning, is under the tab of your profile. You could view the total earnings there
and click on option " Withdraw fund" and your funds gets transferred.

Payment Mode - 
1.) PayPal account
2.) Ethereum account

These procedures to open these payment accounts are simple, it just the same way as your Gpay, Paytm etc. Its just another payment gateway to transfer your money to your savings account.

Remember, these are international companies and apps you work, hence the payment gateway would be of such international payment mode. Its simple.

Get ready to leap your career for working to an International companies, through such jobs.

In my next blog, I shall explain the procedure to create accounts for such payment types.


Lets not get laid back without trying these, as there is no investment in doing so.

Little bit of hard work + patience + research = good results

Its takes matter of time to organize these things and just once it needs to be done, next the payments gets easy. More over end of such things, you would feel good that you were able to learn new things and not regular way of getting things done.

When we opened an bank account or set up Gpay or Paytm, we just had to do little things to set up the account, once it was done, rest was easy. Same way, these payment gateways, trust me, its easy.

I would strongly encourage everyone to try it, when it could work for me, it would work for everyone.


( demo link)


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