Quarantine Jobs and Work From Home Jobs
Quarantine Jobs for you ! 
Hello Everyone,
Covid-19 Pandemic, an panic epidemic engulfed the entire globe by its rapid infection among humans. We humans, were never ready for such Pandemic and were paralyzed by the effect.
Countries across the globe, were crippled due to its fast spreading rate.
We all felt bad watching Wuhan people quarantine and raised our voice against the strict quarantine measures by the Chinese government. Least we knew that, it would knock at our door step and we also would be under the same situation. And when it attacked to our individual countries, some of us took it light and some of us took it serious. End result, we all were put in quarantine.
We watched many movies before, pertaining such outbreak of such diseases and infections and people going under quarantine, least we knew, such incidents would come true.
After all those were movies, would be become an reality? It did became.
It would be an historic event to remember, even in our old age, we would never forget Covid-19 Pandemic days/quarantine days.
At first, everything seemed to be just cool and new, during quarantine. Later, we heard and watched news of areas getting sealed down. The concept of WFH was widely implemented across all organisation during quarantine days. Most of them enjoyed and others felt it being irritating.
As days passed, we all started getting used to new way of working, Work From Home.
The day to day labourer's and petty shop owners, were badly affected, due to cut in their income.
Most of us, were still at peace, that such thing would not happen to us, as we work in good organizations. However, the chain effects of economic crunch affected us too.
Most of us were removed from Job, in the name of non productive and non performance.
And others were temporarily stalled from work, No Work - No Pay / Bench.
It was shocking for us that our own organization did such action to us, when we have decided our good and hard work to that organization, previously.
Many of us felt that the organization management were partial to their favorites and decided to retain few of their emp's. Some of us started discussing that it was office politics and mis-management.
Some of us started to talk among our office colleagues that, how could the organization do such measures, when the PM of this country requested not to so.
So, is there no value of Govt instruction to corporate's ? does it applies only to laymen?
All said and done, debates flying around, Work Force Reduction was done.
The call of the time was, " Money Makes Many Things".
And people who had savings, were able to sustain for some more time. We recollected " Survival Of The Fittest" theory.
Actually it is currently, survival of the smartest.
The other way around, some of the genuine organization also felt the economic crunch and had to really take such, work force reduction, to sustain their base organisation investment, so to sustain in market, as there were no end mark for the current pandemic.
Actually it is currently, survival of the smartest.
The other way around, some of the genuine organization also felt the economic crunch and had to really take such, work force reduction, to sustain their base organisation investment, so to sustain in market, as there were no end mark for the current pandemic.
The organisation with family sought connect to their employees, felt that it took time for the organization to build such large number of employees working in their organization, as such stats shows vertical growth of an organization. So reducing work-force, was not easy, as again to rebuild such an numbers, would again take time, as there is no end mark for this Covid-19 pandemic.
We always need to think from both point of views, put our-self into the organization shoe's and think, what we would have done, if we were an Entrepreneur, during such situation.
Some of us may come up with better idea's. Yes, we some of us are good entrepreneur, its just that, we dint have such strong economic background to start an org.
When organization stopped people from working, in name of "Bench/ No work-No pay", I had got some suggestions and debates from many, that the company we worked for, should have at least given us, some minimum salary amount or as good will amount, by which we would have supported our family commitment, at least buy some day to day groceries, after all we have worked in that organization for quite some time.
Some of them, also debated and suggested, that organization should have at least checked, if their employees who are not being paid, are they able to support their families?
Groceries, Medical ..such basic expense could have been supported to their non working employees, as good will gesture.
Yes, some organization did such humane act and have earned loyal employees trust and also prayers/blessings from them and their family. After all, we all need prayers and blessings, coz practical science or robots or any high management education, would not come to rescue during pandemic, no matter, how cautious/intelligent we are, Covid does not spare any one :)
What can stop humans? nothing !
Yes, nothing can stop us. We are designed for survival. And no matter if any people or organization stops liking you, we should love our self. Yes, its demotivating, but its really not.
Trust me, we all who have gone through such trauma of such pandemic, losing jobs, economic crunch, survival to support our life and our families, will for sure come up in life and shine. Its an promise. How to substantiate this above statement? Its simple.
Most of us who got into such situation, have sunk into deep waters and we have been striving to swim through and sail. Hence, its given us the confidence to raise above. The same zeal would reach us above the horizon some day. Well the others who were warm and safe, may not have tasted this bitter situation, hence in future, if such situation arrives, they may not sustain.
Lets not forget, researchers say that the world constantly faces such economic downtime, every decade or two. So, most of us, who learned the hard way swim, currently, would be able to easily swim through any such future situations.
With such positive note, I would like to introduce some of - Quick Jobs, Part Time Jobs, Work From Home Jobs.
Dear folks, it may not be huge amount doing these job. However, I guarantee that it would be of some use to suffice daily expense up to some level.
These Jobs, which I would suggest, is well tested personally by me.
I took it as rage to find out such Micro Jobs, to assist my fellow mates.
The Jobs which I would suggest are Genuine and I am not paid for promoting them, as I personally started working on them and gained some amount.
At first I was excited that, I would earn loads through these jobs. However, later I realized that, little drops of water, makes might ocean :)
Meaning, its takes small amounts, doing tiny jobs and adds up to, over all good income.
Something is better than nothing. If you believe in this concept, for sure, the information, I would provide you would be useful.
Formula for these job --
Little bit of hard work +
Little bit of smart work +
Little bit of exploring +
Little bit of patience = WFH jobs and long time earnings.
Additional bonus - You would be excited to learn new technologies, when you are doing these jobs. So definitely new leanings are there. And mainly, self motivation / boosts self confidence.
Lets together, get going exploring these jobs and earnings.
I shall guide you for the same. Thanks for reading my 1st blog ever.
In my next blog, I shall explain WFH / Part Time Jobs. As I have personally taken time and pain in exploring the genuineness of these Jobs by various resources.
So that I could give you the best of it, so you guys don't waste time in non-genuine jobs.
Please don't miss my upcoming blogs, with information on Work From Home Jobs, Micro Jobs, Part Time Jobs & Work From Mobile Jobs.
Do you know, that the apps we use, pays us ??? I shall tell you which and how :)
Do let me know about your feed backs and comments
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